Welcome to Good Shepherd Church - Drums, Pennsylvania
Contacting our Pastor, Office Manager, and Webmaster
The parish email address has temporarily been removed from our website. While we investigate alternatives, for any parish business please contact us using the phone number for the office: (570) 788-3141.
… Fr. McHugh
In keeping with the recent Advent season, I started reading 52 Saints to Pray With by Jean Marie Hiesberger and continue to read this interesting work. The book is published by Paulist Press and offers approximately 2 to 2½ pages on officially-canonized saints and also holy men and women of our own day. Among the well-known traditional saints who are treated are Alphonsus Liguori, Anthony of Padua, Catherine of Siena, Francis of Assisi, Martin de Porres, Vincent dePaul, the two Theresas (of Avila and Liseux), St. Clare, John Bosco, etc. Among the recently-canonized saints are Pope John XXIII, and Bishop Oscar Romero. From the world of theology, the book talks about Karl Rahner, the great German theologian of the 20th century, and theology/philosophy, Teilhard de Chardin. Jean Marie Hiesberger offers us uncanonized spiritual writers such as Henri Nouwen and Thomas Merton from the 20th century. Among those who worked to support the poor are Dorothy Day, Dom Helder Camara, and Maisie Ward. Jean Marie Hiesberger follows a set format with each saint or holy person - a brief summary of the person’s life, a paragraph or two on what makes the person stand out, and finally, suggestions on how we might follow their examples in our own lives. I think this is a great book for busy people that will acquaint them with officially-canonized saints and holy men and women of our day who have shown dedication to God in many different ways.
Know Your Parish Council
Go to the Pastoral Council section of our website (use navigation bar on the left side of this page) to learn about this ministry and to see an updated list of Council members.
You will also find a nomination form there which you may submit Online if you are interested in serving on the Good Shepherd Parish Council.
Interested in joining the Good Shepherd Parish Family?
We welcome you and are happy you’re here!
Good Shepherd Church is a warm and welcoming family of faith that offers many opportunities to enrich spiritual life, reach out to those in need, liturgical education and to belong to the family of Christ. Regardless of where you are in your journey of faith, you are welcomed and embraced in Good Shepherd Parish family.
How to get started…
- Contact the Good Shepherd Parish office to register
- Contact Good Shepherd Church via parish email at gsch@ptd.net
- Bookmark our parish website: www.goodshepherd-drums.org
- Take and read a copy of our weekly parish bulletin
- Talk with Marydonna Portonova about our parish opportunities to become involved in at least one ministry or event
- Take home a copy of our parish brochure located in our church foyer.
Please take time to discover this warm and energetic parish community!
Bingo at Good Shepherd Church
Quick Links: Good Shepherd Events - Sunday, December 30 to Sunday, January 6
- Sunday, December 30: NO Faith Formation
- Sunday, December 30: Fr. McHugh - TV Mass
- Monday, December 31: Solemnity of Mary Vigil Mass at 4:00 PM
- Monday, December 31: NO Faith Formation
- Tuesday, January 1: Solemnity of Mary Holy Day Mass at 10:00 AM
- Tuesday, January 1: NO Bingo
- Wednesday, January 2: Serving lunch at Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, Hazleton
- Friday, January 4: First Friday Mass and Devotions
- Sunday, January 6: NO Breakfast
(Click on a link to go to related page/section for more information.)
Ministry Schedules
Ministry schedules are available on the “Downloads” page of our website:
- Lector Schedule
- September 1, 2018 to December 23, 2018
- Advent, Christmas, Solemnity of Mary
- January, February, and March 2019 *NEW*
- Extraordinary Minister Schedule
- October, November, and December 2018
- January, February, and March 2019 *NEW*
- Altar Server Schedule
- October, November, and December 2018
- January, February, and March 2019 *NEW*
- Greeter Schedule
- October, November, and December 2018
- January, February, and March 2019 *NEW*
- Cantor/Accompanist Schedule
- July 22, 2018 to December 30, 2018
From Our Music Ministry
The Hymn and Responsorial Psalm Selections from December 2, 2018 (1st Sunday of Advent) to January 13, 2019 (Baptism of the Lord) is now available on the “Downloads” page of our website.
Looking for St. John Bosco Information?
Because Good Shepherd Church and St. John Bosco Church of Conyngham, Pennsylvania are no longer “linked,” you will note that this site is devoted to matters related primarily to Good Shepherd Church. You may visit the St. John Bosco website at www.stjohnboscochurch.org or contact them by phone: (570) 788-1997, or email: stjb@ptd.net.